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WW1 Autograph Book
Kathleen Frawley's WW1 Autograph Book
Kathleen Frawley was my mother's aunt who grew up in County Clare, Ireland. Katie joined the Queen Alexandra Royal Nursing Corp during the first world war, operating in Mesopotamia and Sommes. The autograph book below has some exquisite entries by the recovering soldiers Katie cared for, particularly page 14 which has a heartrending poem and drawing written by a soldier leaving Gallipoli.
Kathleen Frawley WWI Autograph Book
front cover
Kathleen Frawley WWI Autograph Book
front inner sleeve
Kathleen Frawley WWI Auto back cover
back cover
Kathleen Frawley WWI Autograph Book
front cover
Page 14 of Kathleen Frawley's WW1 autograph book when nursing in the Queen Alexandra Royal Nursing Corp
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